Week 32: Candy Cane Cupcakes with Candy Cake Frosting

This the first in a series of three holiday-themed cupcakes: Candy Cane Cupcakes, based on a chocolate cupcake recipe by Emeril. The frosting is a vanilla frosting recipe I found on the web and I added crushed up candy canes to the frosting before mixing and then sprinkled somemore on top after frosting.

The second picture is James...one of my home-based cupcake testers...He wanted to eat it all in one bite but I didn't think that I could capture that event on my digital camera. So, I asked him to do it in two bites. This is his first bite! He really is a great eater!

Go to this set on my flickr account to see more of the Candy Cane Cupcake photos at HERE. Here is the RECIPE!


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Is it weird if I plan my breakfast on Monday mornings around our weekly cupcake treats? You know, I'll pass on the bagels 'cause they can't hold a candle to a Cupcake Queen creation. And nix the oatmeal, 'cause that would fill me up, not leaving adequate room for a cupcake. Don't even talk about getting a donut. Not even a Krispy Kreme straight from the oven could...um, well. Ok, maybe just that. But nothing else!

  2. YUMMOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
