Week 18: Nut Butter Cuppins with Peanut Butter and Maple Icing

If you love peanuts, then look out! Not only peanuts, but cashews, too. And, maple! I call this a Cuppin (combination of Cupcake and Muffin). It's definitely meant for mornings with coffee. One modification to the recipe, I added maple syrup to the icing. It seemed to need a little boost. And, this addition proved to be the answer. The peanut flavor and the maple syrup icing together are a sweet delight!

It's a very easy recipe to make, but it does require some things that you might not have on hand...like chunky peanut butter. We did have regular peanut, but not chunky. The recipe called for golden caster (superfine) sugar. I did manage to find that at a store around here called Balduci's (used to be Sutten Place). Of course, I found some other cool baking things there that I just HAD to have...Oh well!

This recipe is from Simple Home Baking by Carol Pastor. You can download my PDF version of the recipe here.


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Those look like a big, gooey heap of yumminess! Sounds like a great recipe, and the pics look fantastic :)

  2. Hi,
    i like your pdf idea. Hoe did you do it? i would like to learn.

  3. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Jeff said it all. Your maple addition shows you to be the cupcake diva you are. Mwah!


  4. About the pdfs...I work on a mac, so all I have to do is print the document I'm working on and then I can choose to "save as pdf." Those apple folks make it all so easy!

  5. oh my gosh- this looks amazing!

  6. Kate: I love your blog!

  7. thanks! I am having fun making some of the cupcakes!

  8. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Yum! Those remind me of the peanutbutter cupcakes my mom used to make for me to take to preschool for birthdays. They were not too sweet, and frosted with plain old peanut butter. I think she was trying to trick me into eating something healthy... it worked. Now I'm debating trying your recipe or trying to dig up her old one.

  9. the interested twist in these "cuppins" is the maple flavor! It mixes really well with the peanut butter. Either way...enjoy!
